مؤسسة مرايا الصفراء التجارية

معلومات عن مؤسسة مرايا الصفراء التجارية مثيل لأودو، تخطيط موارد المؤسسات مفتوح المصدر .

التطبيقات المثبتة

Branches Management with Advanced Features
All In One Business Area and Branches management
Advanced Pos Multi Branch
point of sale Branches management
Employee Loan Management
odoo app Loan functionality for employee | employee loan Integrated with Payroll | HR employee loan management employee salary deduction for loan amount | loan amount easy deduction in employee payslip | Manage employee loan | HR loan for employee | Odoo loan management | Loan Request and Approval
odoo 16 Customize OEM(Boost, Data reset)
1 click customize odoo, reset data. For quick develop. Set brand, boost, reset data, debug. Language Switcher. Easy Delete data.reset account chart. customize my odoo.
من عروض الأسعار للفواتير
Simplify Access Management | Manage - Hide Menu, Submenu, Fields, Action, Reports, Views, | Restrict/Read-Only User, Apps, Fields, Export, Archive, Actions, Views, Reports, Delete items | Manage Access rights from one place | Hide Tabs and buttons | Multi Company supported.
All In One Access Management App for setting the correct access rights for fields, models, menus, views for any module and for any user. All in one access management App, Easier then Record rules setup, Centralize access rules, User wise access rules, Show only what is needed for users, Access rules setup, Easy access rights setup, Hide Any Menu, Any Field, Any Report, Any Button, Easy To Configure, Main Features:- Hide fields, Hide Buttons, Hide Tabs, Hide views, Hide Contacts, Hide Menus, Hide submenus, Hide sub-menus, Hide reports, Hide actions, Hide server actions, Hide import, Hide delete, Hide archive, Hide Tree view, Hide Form view, Hide Kanban view, Hide Calendar view, Hide Pivot, Hide Graph view, Hide Apps, Hide object buttons, Hide action buttons, Hide smart buttons, Readonly Any Field, read only user, readonly user, Hide create, Hide duplicate, Control every fields, Control every views, Control every buttons, Control every actions. Multi Company supported.
الفواتير والمدفوعات
Advanced Web Domain Widget
Set all relational fields domain by selecting its records unsing `in, not in` operator.
الموقع الإلكتروني
أداة بناء المواقع الإلكترونية للمؤسسات
إدارة أنشطة مخزونك والأنشطة اللوجسيتية
المحاسبة، الضرائب، الميزانيات، الأصول...
أوامر الشراء، والمناقصات، والاتفاقيات
نقطة البيع
واجهة نقطة البيع سهلى الاستخدام للمتاجر والمطاعم
المتجر الإلكتروني
بع منتجاتك عبر الإنترنت
إنشاء وتخصيص التطبيقات
قم بتخصيص أيام الإجازة المدفوعة ومتابعة طلبات الإجازات
مركزة معلومات الموظف
Letters Management
Module for managing letters for partners and employees
Push Attendance Integration
Integrate ZKTeco Push Protocol with Odoo
Attendance Processor
Module to process attendance data from XLSX files or fetch from ZK device
Audit Log
Auto Generate EAN Number On Product
Product EAN | Product Barcode | EAN13 Creation
Odoo Msegat SMS Gateway || SMS Marketing || SMS Gateway || Bulk SMS || SMS Integration
Odoo Msegat SMS Gateway. We also provide Twilio SMS, Sendgrid SMS, MSG91 SMS, Whatsapp SMS, Zapier SMS, Mailchimp SMS, Skebby, Clicksend SMS, Mobily, Netelip, Whatsapp Integration.
Alternative to Odoo.sh for Odoo Community
Manage Repositories.
Odoo Direct Print PRO
Print any reports or shipping labels directly to any local, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer without downloading PDF or ZPL!
POS Restrict Zero Price
This module is use to restrict zero price on pos order | POS Not Allowed Zero Price
POS Restrict Zero Quantity
This module is use to restrict zero quantity on pos order | POS Not Allowed Zero Quantity
Template Report
Export data all objects Odoo to LibreOffice, professional report, simple report designer, ideal for contracts. LibreOffice output files odt, pdf, doc, docx, ods
Professional Account Base Report
LibreOffice Professional Account Base Report
Dynamic Barcode All models
Dynamic Barcode All models, professional report, simple report designer, ideal for contracts, report barcode.
Electronic invoice KSA - Point of sale | Saudi Invoice QR Code | Invoice based on TLV Base64 string QR Code | Saudi Electronic Invoice with Base64 TLV QRCode
Electronic invoice KSA POS Saudi Electronic Invoice for POS Receipt Saudi VAT E-Invoice for POS Electronic Pos QR Saudi Saudi VAT E Invoice for POS Electronic Invoice with QR code arabic translations saudi pos Invoice Arabic headers arabic name all pos in one retail ksa retail saudi retail KSA saudi retail electronic saudi ksa saudi ksa electronic Odoo
Point Of Sale Access Rights - Change Cashier Supported | Point Of Sale Access Rights | Different Access Rights For Employee | Access Rights For Cashier
Restrict Access Point Of Sale POS Disable Customer Button POS Deny Numpad POS Restrict Plus-Minus Buttons POS Disable Quantity Button POS Discount Disable POS Payment Button Disable POS Disable Pric POS Access Rights For Cashier Odoo
الدردشة، بوابة البريد الإلكتروني، والقنوات الخاصة
جهات الاتصال
قم بمركزة دفتر عناوينك
جدوِل اجتماعات الموظفين
متابعة حضور موظف
ماسح الباركود للمستودعات
نظم عملك من خلال المذكرات
Manage your employee payroll records
عقود الموظفين